Provides image preprocessing features
# ALS - Astro Live Stacker
# Copyright (C) 2019 Sébastien Durand (Dragonlost) - Gilles Le Maréchal (Gehelem)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
import cv2
import dtcwt
import numpy as np
from pywi.processing.transform import starlet
from als.code_utilities import log
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def wavelets(image, wavelets_type, wavelets_use_luminance, parameters):
Module allowing to play with coefficients of a redudant frame from the
wavelet family.
A ratio is applied to each level
:param image: input image
:param wavelets_type: either 'deep sky' or 'planetary' gives the family of wavelets to be used for processing
:param parameters: ratio to be applied for each level of the wavelet decomposition
:return: denoised/enhanced image
def apply_dt_wavelets(img, param):
# pylint: disable=E1101
# Compute 5 levels of dtcwt with the antonini/qshift settings
input_shape = img.shape
transform = dtcwt.Transform2d(biort='antonini', qshift='qshift_06')
result = transform.forward(img, nlevels=len(param))
for level, ratio in param.items():
data = result.highpasses[level - 1]
if ratio < 1:
norm = np.absolute(data)
# 1 keeps 100% of the coefficients, 0 keeps 0% of the coeff
thresh = np.percentile(norm, 100 * (1 - ratio))
# Proximity operator for L1,2 norm
data[:, :, :] = np.where(norm < thresh, 0,
(norm - thresh) * np.exp(1j * np.angle(data)))
# Just applying gain for this level
data *= ratio
ret = transform.inverse(result)
# in some cases dtcwt does reshape the image for performance purpose
return ret[:input_shape[0], :input_shape[1]]
def apply_star_wavelets(img, param):
# Compute 5 levels of starlets
result = starlet.wavelet_transform(img, number_of_scales=len(param))
for level, ratio in param.items():
data = result[level - 1]
if ratio < 1:
norm = np.absolute(data)
# 1 keeps 100% of the coefficients, 0 keeps 0% of the coeff
thresh = np.percentile(norm, 100 * (1 - ratio))
# Proximity operator for L1 norm
data[:, :] = np.where(norm < thresh, 0,
(norm - thresh) * np.sign(data))
# Just applying gain for this level
data *= ratio
return starlet.inverse_wavelet_transform(result)
# Choose in between members of a catalog
wavelet_db = {'deep sky': apply_star_wavelets,
'planetary': apply_dt_wavelets}
# in case of rgb image with 3 channels
if len(image.shape) > 2:
# either process wvlts only on the value channel of hsv space
if wavelets_use_luminance:
hsv_img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
hsv_img[:, :, 2] = wavelet_db[wavelets_type](hsv_img[:, :, 2], parameters)
image = cv2.cvtColor(hsv_img, cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGB)
# or compute 3 times the wvlt process. More expensive, but usually this
# yields better results
# apply wvlt to all channels if available
for channel_index in range(image.shape[2]):
image[:, :, channel_index] = wavelet_db[wavelets_type](
image[:, :, channel_index], parameters)
image = wavelet_db[wavelets_type](image, parameters)
return image
def scnr(rgb_image, im_limit, rgb_type="RGB", scnr_type="ne_m", amount=0.5):
Function for reduce green noise on image
SCNR Average Neutral Protection
:param rgb_image: Numpy array (float32), size 3xMxN
:param im_type: string, uint16 or uint8
:param im_limit: int, value limit, 255 or 65535
:param rgb_type: RGB or BGR
:param scnr_type: string, correction type : ne_m, ne_max, ma_ad or ma_max
:param amount: float, 0 to 1, param for ma_ad and ma_max
:return: image corrected (np.array(float32))
# Swap blue and red for different mode :
if rgb_type == "RGB":
red = 0
blue = 2
elif rgb_type == "BGR":
red = 2
blue = 0
# process image
if scnr_type == "Av Neutral":
m = (rgb_image[red] + rgb_image[blue]) * 0.5
compare = rgb_image[1] < m
rgb_image[1] = compare * rgb_image[1] + np.invert(compare) * m
elif scnr_type == "Max Neutral":
compare = rgb_image[red] > rgb_image[blue]
m = compare * rgb_image[red] + np.invert(compare) * rgb_image[blue]
compare = rgb_image[1] < m
rgb_image[1] = compare * rgb_image[1] + np.invert(compare) * m
elif scnr_type == "Add Mask":
rgb_image = rgb_image / im_limit
unity_m = np.ones((rgb_image[1].shape[0], rgb_image[1].shape[1]))
compare = unity_m < (rgb_image[blue] + rgb_image[red])
m = compare * unity_m + np.invert(compare) * (rgb_image[blue] + rgb_image[red])
rgb_image[1] = rgb_image[1] * (1 - amount) * (1 - m) + m * rgb_image[1]
rgb_image = rgb_image * im_limit
elif scnr_type == "Max Mask":
rgb_image = rgb_image / im_limit
compare = rgb_image[red] > rgb_image[blue]
m = compare * rgb_image[red] + np.invert(compare) * rgb_image[blue]
rgb_image[1] = rgb_image[1] * (1 - amount) * (1 - m) + m * rgb_image[1]
rgb_image = rgb_image * im_limit
return rgb_image
def get_limit_and_utype(image):
Test Image types (uint8 or uint16)
:param image: image, numpy array
:return: limit and type of image
# search type (uint8 or uint16)
im_type = image.dtype.name
if im_type == 'uint8':
limit = 2. ** 8 - 1
elif im_type == 'uint16':
limit = 2. ** 16 - 1
raise ValueError("fit format not support")
return limit, im_type
def post_process_image(stack_image, mode="rgb", scnr_on=False,
wavelets_on=False, wavelets_type='deep sky',
wavelets_use_luminance=False, param=[]):
Fonction for create print image and post process this image
:param stack_image: np.array(uintX), Image, 3xMxN or MxN
:param log_ui: QT log for print text in QT GUI
:param mode: image mode ("rgb" or "gray")
:param scnr_on: bool, activate scnr correction
:param wavelets_on: bool, activate wavelet filtering
:param param: post process param
:return: no return
# change action for mode :
if mode == "rgb":
_LOGGER.info(_("Save New Image in RGB..."))
# convert classic classic order to cv2 order
new_stack_image = np.rollaxis(stack_image, 0, 3)
elif mode == "gray":
_LOGGER.info(_("Save New Image in B&W..."))
new_stack_image = stack_image
# read image number type
limit, im_type = get_limit_and_utype(new_stack_image)
# if no have change, no process
if param[0] != 1 or param[1] != 0 or param[2] != 0 or param[3] != limit or param[4] != 1 \
or param[5] != 1 or param[6] != 1 or param[8] != 50 or any([v != 1 for _, v in param[9].items()]):
# print param value for post process
_LOGGER.info(_("Post-Process New Image..."))
_LOGGER.info(_("correct display image"))
_LOGGER.info(_("contrast value :") + " %f" % param[0])
_LOGGER.info(_("brightness value :") + "%f" % param[1])
_LOGGER.info(_("pente : ") + "%f" % (1. / ((param[3] - param[2]) / limit)))
# need convert to float32 for excess value
new_stack_image = np.float32(new_stack_image)
if scnr_on:
_LOGGER.info(_("apply SCNR"))
_LOGGER.info(_("SCNR type") + "%s" % param[7])
new_stack_image = scnr(new_stack_image, limit, rgb_type="BGR", scnr_type=param[7], amount=param[8])
if wavelets_on:
_LOGGER.info("apply Wavelets")
_LOGGER.info("Wavelets parameters {}".format(param[9]))
new_stack_image = wavelets(new_stack_image,
# if change in RGB value
if param[4] != 1 or param[5] != 1 or param[6] != 1:
if mode == "rgb":
# invert Red and Blue for cv2
# print RGB contrast value
_LOGGER.info(_("R contrast value : ") + "%f" % param[4])
_LOGGER.info(_("G contrast value : ") + "%f" % param[5])
_LOGGER.info(_("B contrast value : ") + "%f" % param[6])
# multiply by RGB factor
new_stack_image[:, :, 0] = new_stack_image[:, :, 0] * param[6]
new_stack_image[:, :, 1] = new_stack_image[:, :, 1] * param[5]
new_stack_image[:, :, 2] = new_stack_image[:, :, 2] * param[4]
# if change in limit value
if param[2] != 0 or param[3] != limit:
# filter excess value with new limit
new_stack_image = np.where(new_stack_image < param[3], new_stack_image, param[3])
new_stack_image = np.where(new_stack_image > param[2], new_stack_image, param[2])
# spread out the remaining values
new_stack_image = new_stack_image * (1. / ((param[3] - param[2]) / limit))
# if change in contrast/brightness value
if param[0] != 1 or param[1] != 0:
# new_image = image * contrast + brightness
new_stack_image = new_stack_image * param[0] + param[1]
# filter excess value > limit
new_stack_image = np.where(new_stack_image < limit, new_stack_image, limit)
new_stack_image = np.where(new_stack_image > 0, new_stack_image, 0)
# reconvert in uintX format
if im_type == "uint16":
new_stack_image = np.uint16(new_stack_image)
elif im_type == "uint8":
new_stack_image = np.uint8(new_stack_image)
return new_stack_image